Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Brazil, March 2010 -- Salvador, Bahia

We spent three days in Salvador, Bahia
... a city rich in historical significance
Ocean front views along Salvador Beach
....approaching fort and lighthouse

Lighthouse at dusk

Traditionally dressed women cooking acaraje...

...which we enjoyed for dinner that night!

Homes on the hillside in Old Town Salvador

Old Town Plaza

San Franciscan Cathedral
(Golden Church)
Lunch in Old Town...
...delicious steak for Mother and Dad

Harbor view from the balcony where we
had coffee later in the afternooon
Three story/levels shopping bazaar.....

Completing a hat purchase for Dad...

Janie beckoning Conrad --
she's found something she wants to
purchase and he has the money!!

And the day ends with a gorgeous sunset!!

Marco and Carla -- so sweet!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Brazil, March 2010 - Vitoria and Geronimo Monteira

Daddy and Mother -- boarded and ready to
embark on a Brazilian adventure!!

Lunch upon arrival in Vitoria -- Moqueca!
A specialty fish dish for the Espirito Santo region

View from our window at Hotel Aruan --
Camburi Beach

Overlooking bridge connecting
Camburi Beach and Villa Vela

Opposite direction of previous picture,
standing in front of Convento da Penha

Enroute to Jeronimo Monteira --
typical agricultural scene
Pedra Azul

Agro-tourism farm -- Carnielle Farm
sampling (and buying) cheese and coffee

Marco & Carla's home in Geronimo Montiero...

......a delicious lunch waiting for us!

We joined a class at Rive, a nearby university,
that was studying coffee
for a "Tasting Test" --
there were five different coffees to sample.
Students were supposed to decide
which coffee came from which country

...and at the end Marco demonstrated the
French Press method of brewing coffee --
something new for most of the students!

A good exposure for all!

Next day we toured the upper portion of the watershed --
had to navigate around a few obstacles!

Time for refreshment!
Coco gelado!!

A scenic drive later in the afternoon....

... through coffee country to Burarama,
an Italian village....

...according to Mother this is called "rice'n'peas" plant!!

Mother and Carla relaxing
on the front veranda at Carla's parents home...

On to Salvador tomorrow!!