Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Brazil -- July 2009 -- Trip to Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul

Our first evening in Santa Maria we were treated to a delicious
Bar-B-Q in the home of Joao Batista and Eloiza Paiva,
masters of the Brazilian Bar-B-Q!
We were so impressed with
the built-in grilling pit in the basement!

It was so-o-o delicious!!

Visiting field research site in Santa Maria

We visited Mata, an area known for it's petrified wood --
...there were sidewalks were paved with it.....

...and walls of buildings decorated with it!
(this building was a museum)

Ancient burial tomes displayed in the museum

A field of petrified logs...truly amazing!!

No visit to Santa Maria is complete without eating Galeto,
a deliciously prepared chicken dish
at a well-known local restaurant, Augusto's!

...and it was as tasty as promised!

Next we visited Serra Gaúcha, an area
well-known for it's famous vineyards and wineries.

...toured the Miolo Winery

...made some purchases....

...waited while the men made more purchases...

...and then had a marvelous meal
at an Italian Restaurant
with Marco & Carla's friends, Ana & Jeff

It was wonderful!!!

The last day we went to visit Caracol Falls
in Gramada, Rio Grande do Sul

Unknown animal spotted on hike down to base of Falls

Waiting in line to ride the cable cars
overlooking Caracol Falls

...and finally, it was our turn... see the view of the falls from the cable car..

That evening, another unforgettable meal in Gramada --
Cheese, Meat & Chocolate Fondue!!
It was incredible!

A delightful trip to Rio Grande do Sul!

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